Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Macbeth Study Notes

Macbeth Study Sheet
1)     Study all the vocabulary questions.  All 15 words will be tested.
a)      Mix and match
b)    Write a sentence using the word that reveals meaning
e.g. John is my kinsman.  NO
      John, my cousin, is my kinsman.  YES
c)     Define the underlined word and identify part of speech.
20 points
2)     Drama Questions (10 points total)
a)      Summarize the scene that you dramatized for class.
b)    Describe the characters in your scene and explain what is going on in their lives at that moment.
c)     How is your scene important in relation to the rest of the play?
3)     Socratic Questions (20 points total)
è  I will choose 4.  Each will be 5 points each.
4)    Paragraph Response. (10 points total)
è  #12 Socratic Questions
è This play is titled a “tragedy.”  Define tragedy.  How is the play Macbeth tragic?

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Another pi song!

Isn't it amazing how music and math are related?  God is amazing!

Friday, January 25, 2013

The Amazing History of Pi

Hi 5th Grade,

I researched a bit about pi this afternoon and found the below website.  They say that pi has been known for 4000 years and it's even mentioned in the Bible!  Incredible! 

Here's the link...


BONUS:  Memorize - for fun of course - pi to 30 digits.


Here is a video to help you!  Enjoy!

Give me 5! Newletter, Issue 20

Click once to enlarge.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

iPad for Education

Today's blog entry includes a link to an informative "Live Binder" that provides links to some great educational apps that you can install on your iPad. 

 I know you don't all have an iPad but I'm sure many of these can be installed on an iTouch or iPhone. 

At a later date, I will try to include apps that are available for the Kindle and other Android-platformed devices. Also, I'm sure some of these apps are available on both IOS and Android. If you install any of these apps, share your thoughts with the class by leaving a comment.


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Taking a stand for Jesus - Journal Reflections

Hi 5th Grade,

As promised I am including a link to the Voice of the Martyrs website.  Check it out.  I'm praying that it will help you see what it is like to be a Christian in most places in the world today.  I encourage you to pray for the persecuted church and to even write letters of encouragement to Christian prisoners.


Below are your chapel reflections from this morning.  Please read them and comment on at least 2 other classmates' responses.

Questions:  In my life, how can I stand up for Jesus?

Madison W.:
I can go around and tell people about JEsus and how He died on the cross just for me so that I could have eternal life in heaven.  Jesus will help me do this and if people don't believe me then I will pray for them to leanr and be able to become a Christian.

If I know a person who mocks Christianity, I can tell them that it is wrong and if I know someone who doesn't know Jesus at all, I can teach them about Christ.

In my life, I can stand up for Jesus if someone is doing something wrong and I know it.  I could tell them that what they are doing is wrong and to do what Jesus would do.  Even if someone said I was too young to understnad, I woulud still tell them the same thing.

Madison P.:
I can stnd up for Jesus by not hiding that I'm Christian.  Some of my family isn't Christian so I can tell them about Jesus.  If anyone says Jesus doesn't exist, shame on them!  He doesn't deserve to be treated in such a manor.  He's their creator.

Josh B.:
I can stand up for Jesus by standing up for what I believe in.

Josh V.:
I can stand up for Jesus by obeying his commands and telling the world about him.  If I can't travel the world, then I will help others in my community.  Also, by sharing his love by giving to others that needs things like food, water, clothes and other things, we can show his mercy by forgiving others.  When you are upset or made at them, have forgiveness and love and obey God by doing the right thing. 

Addison V.:
I can stand up for Jesus by preaching to people who don't know who he is or tell my non-Christian friends about him.  I can also do the right thing because then people will se what a Christian acts like.

There are a lot of peple in my neighborhood that need Jesus.  Instead of inviting people to church, I can just go ahead and tell about Jesus' life and/or give them a Bible.

I could stand up for Jesus when someone criticizes r uses his name in sake.  I could tell them it's wrong and to stop.  I could also tell someone to stop if they mock.

I can stand up for what I believe in like I can share the Bible in the places where I'm not allowed to because I can get caught and go to jail and get killed.

Zac B.:
I can tell people about Jesus while I'm on the x-box

I can do something like The Spot and spread the word to people who don't have food or don't know Jesus.

I can preach about him in Church.  I can tell peple who don't know about Him.  I have to be willing to die for Jesus like how he died for us.

I can be more nice to people I don't really like.

II'm going to stand up for Jesus and not be shy.

In my life, I can help my friend to be a believer.

Zach J.:
I can  tell people of God's grace and his sacrifice for our sin. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

BONUS Math Problem

I am trying to figure out my children's ethnicity. Please help me.Mrs. Goh is 3/8 Irish, 3/8 Scottish, 1/8 Swedish, 1/8 NorwegianMr. Goh 7/8 Chinese, 1/8 Thai. Using fractions, figure out the breakdown of ethnicity of my children.