Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Macbeth Study Notes

Macbeth Study Sheet
1)     Study all the vocabulary questions.  All 15 words will be tested.
a)      Mix and match
b)    Write a sentence using the word that reveals meaning
e.g. John is my kinsman.  NO
      John, my cousin, is my kinsman.  YES
c)     Define the underlined word and identify part of speech.
20 points
2)     Drama Questions (10 points total)
a)      Summarize the scene that you dramatized for class.
b)    Describe the characters in your scene and explain what is going on in their lives at that moment.
c)     How is your scene important in relation to the rest of the play?
3)     Socratic Questions (20 points total)
è  I will choose 4.  Each will be 5 points each.
4)    Paragraph Response. (10 points total)
è  #12 Socratic Questions
è This play is titled a “tragedy.”  Define tragedy.  How is the play Macbeth tragic?

1 comment:

  1. Noah and Cody entered my blog contest in 2012. Noah won (it was a fair draw) so check out my blog. :)
