Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Penderwicks Test Info

Here is the review sheet for the Penderwick Test tomrrow. Study hard...it's worth it. Our class goal is still to have every member of the class to get an A or B! The reward will be tasty!

Also, a reminder that the Penderwick Vocab Oral Assessment is rescheduled to Friday, not tomorrow. I want you to focus on studying tonight.

Section 1 - Speech Recognition
Identify the speaker, who is being spoken to and what is happening in the novel when it is being said
- 10 quotations x 3 marks = 30 marks total
Study suggestion: Do a short plot summary for each chapter so that it is clear in your head which characters are involved and what they do

Section 2 - Socratic Questions
These are the 4 Socratic Questions we did in class. Question 1 will not be all 4 characters but you should still prepare all 4 just in case.
- 4 questions x 5 marks = 20 marks total

Section 3 - Paragraph Response
This is the Paragraph Response we talked about in class. Only change...the paragraph will be out of 15 vs. 10. Why? I want to give you 5 marks for Organization and 10 marks for Ideas and Content
- 15 marks total

BONUS QUESTION: You'll find out tomorrow!!!

Have a great night!