Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A book recommendation...

Hi 5th grade,

Today we talked about Pastor Samuel Lamb.  I met him in person in 1995 on a basketball mission trip.  My team had the chance to attend one of his services and then spent an hour after the service talking to him and asking him questions.  What an amazing example of a humble man; what an amazing example of a man who loves God.  

Here is the blurb from a book I found about his life...

You cannot understand China without meeting heroes like Samuel Lamb! In an age when secularism and materialism numb the human spirit, China's amazing Christians demonstrate the power of living faith. In 1950 China's Christians numbered about a million. Today, estimates range between 30 and 70 million! How did this body of believers grow so rapidly under atheism and materialism? Bold as a Lamb is the true story of Pastor Samuel Lamb. Imprisoned for more than twenty years for preaching the Gospel, he became the beloved secret pastor to hundreds of fellow inmates. After his release in 1978, he built a phenomenal 'house church' congregation of more than a thousand. Soon, however, he became the special target of those determined to destroy the mushrooming house church movement in China. His church was closed and his ministry tools were confiscated. Yet this man remains undaunted, standing boldly -- and with spiritual grace, against fierce opposition. This is the fascinating, eye-opening account of one of China's best-known pastors, his dauntless congregation, and how they found joy and optimism in the face of relentless persecution.

If it sounds appealing to you, below is the link to the page where you can purchase it.


  1. I might want to look at that, if my mom agrees

  2. Me to that would be so Godly and,and sooooooooooooooooooooooo,you know what I meen,or I can say, you know what I meet.I love salamis and sweetish fish and, oh way I'm getting of track.may I eat Mr gout and Noah and Jane a d buddy and everyone else in the class I'm getting of track again stupid me hit hit hit och I hurt my self call the docters I fell sick, class shush your mouth don't fell sorry and let me finish my sentence gosh you class are so rude. Ups I spelled Mr gouh wrong oh hi Mr.gout hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha

  3. Popsy is me Anna popsy gill.

  4. That is an amazing story! - madi pie
