Monday, August 27, 2012

Jesus Calms the Storm

Hey Everyone,

I hope you enjoyed the video we watched this morning during devotions.  What a great reminder that God is all powerful!  Also, what a realization that when we are going through the "storms" in our own lives, Jesus has the ability to "calm the waters."  I challenge you to consider how you may put God in a box and how you could let Him out so that you can get a glimpse of how HUGE He really is!  Jesus is the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Creator of the heavens and the earth...AND, the lover of YOUR soul.  Amazing!

Here is a link to the video in case you wanted to watch it again!  I love the kids' English accents.

Jesus Calms the Storm Lego Animation from Alan Saunders on Vimeo.


  1. What a creative way to present the story! Thanks for sharing on the Blog.

  2. I love this video It is very creative

  3. i wonder how log that took to make-addie

  4. i really like that cman
