Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Important Reminders!

Some important reminders from today:

1)  Content quiz (pp.36-57), The Big Wave

2)  AR Incentive - this month's goal is to read 500 pages by the end of the month.  You must show in your log that you are reading EVERY day and that you have done all the quizzes with at least 80%.  PRIZE:  Pizza Hut, Personal Pan Pizza

AR is fun!

3)  Math Test #1 is on Friday

4)  "The arrow and the song" poem has been posted on the blog.  You are to memorize this by September 28.  We will talk later about what you think this poem means. 

5)  We wasted a lot of time today.  Tomorrow is a new day.  Let's try again.  Have a great night.  Can't wait to see you all tomorrow! 

Mr. Goh :)