Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Re: Genesis 17

Hi 5th Grade,

I'm sure many of you were quite surprised during our conversation today about Abraham and his covenant with God.  The subject of circumcision is not something that is talked a whole lot about but understanding it in the context of the covenant is very important.  Since God's promise to Abraham and his descendants is an "everlasting" one, we are then able to see God's faithfulness in the Old Testament. 

God is often characterized as being steadfast and unchanging; He is the strong foundation.  Because we now know what his promise is (Genesis 17), we can see how he continually shows his favor towards His chosen people, the Israelites.  His favor, however, is not a result of the Israelite's obedience though.  Time after time, we read about accounts of how these people were wicked and evil.  Yet, God still blessed them and showed his favor upon them. 

In my opinion, God's love for the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is one of the greatest love stories of all time.  The truth that God loves these people despite their sin is a reminder of how much He loves us today. 

Now, when we read amazing passages like John 3:16-17, does it have more meaning? 

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.  For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him."


  1. Yes it does have meaning it means if Christ was not sent into the world we would be the most miserable people

  2. zach you are right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KK

  3. Hi mr goh this is Michael I now that memorize
