Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Arrow and the Song

Hi 5th Grade,

Here is your first Poetry Memorization for the year.  It is due on Friday, September 28.  I've included it here on the blog but I will also include it in the Friday newsletter.  Your monthly memorization will make up 10% of your reading grade.

The Arrow and the Song
by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

I shot an arrow into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For, so swiftly it flew, the sight
Could not follow it in its flight.

I breathed a song into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For who has sight so keen and strong
That it can follow the flight of song?

Long, long afterward, in an oak
I found the arrow, still unbroke;
And the song, from beginning to end,
I found again in the heart of a friend.


  1. I read the poem and found it very touching

    1. I am sorry to say it but i have noo idea...

    2. What it means, it means that the friend was sitting under the oak the arrow was in singing the song the man sung

  2. I thought the arrow hit the friend, but Katie, my big sister, explained it to me and now it is not so touching.

  3. really?-addie ithought that too

  4. Wow I really need to study that poem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
