Thursday, September 13, 2012

Math is Fun!!!

Hi 5th Grade,

Today, I talked about playing Scrabble with some of my teacher friends in Hong Kong.  Below is a video of my scrabble buddies singing a song about a very important math equation.  Some day, very soon, you will become "friends" with this equation.  It is the basis for a lot of the problems you will be required to solve in high school.

BONUS FOR MONDAY - what is the formula they are singing about?  why is this formula important? 

Enjoy your day tomorrow with Mr. Woods.  I will be thinking of you all as I fly to Minnesota.

Mr. Goh


  1. i loved those guitars-addie

  2. That was really funny! :)

  3. Haha! Mr. Woods was awesome on Friday I hope we can have him again sometime. :)

  4. quadratics is a friend of mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cman

  5. Trinomials are not always easy to factor. In fact, some trinomials cannot be factored. Thus, we need a different way to solve quadratic equations. Herein lies the importance of the quadratic formula.

  6. that is so funny I cant stop laghing
